*** IN ADDIITON TO APPLYING ON OLAS, ALL APPLICANTS MUST VISIT THE NASSAU BOCES Employment Opportunities PAGE TO COMPLETE THEIR APPLICATION ***The Nassau BOCES Department of Special Education seeks an experienced Special Education administrator with strong leadership, interpersonal and organizational skills. The successful candidate must be able to supervise, evaluate and communicate effectively with staff, students and parents to facilitate maximum student growth. The successful candidate must have experience in working with students with social/emotional, behavioral and/or learning needs. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Working under the supervision of the building principal and implementing all school-wide and instructional duties, functions and day-to-day operations. Providing instructional leadership, supervision and direction to all teaching and related service staff. Demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the use of data and technology to inform instruction. Monitoring and maintaining “quality control” regarding instruction, curriculum maps, behavior protocols and related services reviews to ensure accuracy and compliance with Medicaid regulations. Strong understanding of Federal & State Special Education laws, regulations and policies. Ensuring that all goals, services and other supports, mandated by the IEP, are appropriately implemented. Maintaining effective communication with students, parents, colleagues, districts and community agencies. Provide staff development for teachers, teacher aides and related service staff. Conducting observations and evaluation of staff Perform all other related duties assigned by the building principal. REQUIREMENTS: Three years teaching experience in Special Education related to emotional, learning and developmental disabilities. At least two years administrative experience preferred. New York State Education Department Certification: School Administrator and Supervisor (SAS)/School District Administrator (SDA) or School Building Leader (SBL) required School District Leader (SDL) is preferred. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills and knowledge of behavioral strategies/interventions and teaching methodologies. *** IN ADDITION TO APPLYING ON OLAS, ALL APPLICANTS MUST VISIT THE NASSAU BOCES Employment Opportunities PAGE TO COMPLETE THEIR APPLICATION ***
School Leader
Nassau BOCES
Long Island