Valley Stream District #30Director of Technology & Data(Probationary)We are seeking an authentic and qualified educational leader to serve as District-wide Director of Technology, Data & Compliance. The Valley Stream UFSD #30 is a highly performing school district. The successful candidate will demonstrate high-quality transformational, emotional intelligence, and collaborative leadership practices and skills in executing the essential duties and responsibilities outlined below. This position reports to the Superintendent of Schools and is provided a four-year probationary appointment. This position is a part of the Valley Stream Council of Supervisory Associations. The duties, responsibilities, and other functions as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee, are listed below.Starting date: On or about September 1, 2024Qualifications:NYS Certification SAS/SDA (required)Prior Experience as an District Administrator or District-Wide capacity (required)Prior Experience with supervision and monitoring of direct reports (required)APPR Lead/Independent Evaluator Training Certification (required)Requirements:Supervise, monitor and train technology clerical staff, school clerical staff’s use of student information systems (i.e., eSchool) as it relates to student registration and collection of student data.Supervise and monitor external technology consultants technical support services & major projects as well as NYSED state assessment reporting.Supervise, monitor, and train key stakeholders on effective use of the district’s communication tools, district website, social media, as well as multimedia support for events, such as concerts and Board meetings.Coordinate, monitor the data management system, as a repository for securely collecting student data from multiple sources and organized for analysis and reporting student data.Connect district & school leaders, instructional support, technical support, domain experts and solution providers to maximize the potential of technology for leading and learning.Maintain the district’s compliance as it pertains to Ed-Law 2d (i.e., Personal Identifiable Information, Data Privacy).Coordinate, compile and comply with data submission deadlines with State, Federal and Local Government agencies (OCR, BEDS, APPR, etc.)ivacy Officer) and the NIST CSF guidelines and regulations.Develop, monitor, and administer the district’s technology budget, District Technology Plan and district E-rate applications.Advise, coordinate, and manage purchases of software, hardware, electronic resources and technical infrastructure that supports current and emerging technologies throughout the district.Engage technology committee in establishing a vision, strategic plan and ongoing evaluation cycle for transforming leading and learning with technology.Maintain complete district inventory of technology assets.Organize, plan, direct, coordinate, and maintain the technical infrastructure in all facets of district operations including cyber security, networks, CCTV, access control, and communication systems.Oversee and manage SMS, Emergency/Security Management & Financial Management Systems.Coordinate in service professional learning related to district and school administrators uses of technology-based programs for faculty and staff.Salary: To Be DeterminedDeadline for application: July 19, 2024Interested candidates should apply on the Online Application System (OLAS) at www.olasjobs.org/longisland Please address online cover letters to: Marcela Moran, Human Resources Administrator
School Leader
Valley Stream 30 UFSD
Long Island