POSTINGPOSITION AVAILABLE2023-2024MILTON L. OLIVE MIDDLE SCHOOLLEAVE REPLACEMENT ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS:¨ New York State Administrative Certification (SBL)¨ Knowledge of current trends and best practices in a middle school setting ¨ Experience with staff evaluations, teacher APPR and student supervision¨ A child-centered philosophy, with proven ability as a rigorous academic leader, innovative planner and effective communicator PREFERRED EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS:¨ Successful administrative and teaching experience¨ Demonstrated leadership and expertise in staff supervision and use of Danielson Rubric for APPR¨ Comprehensive knowledge of NYS learning standards and assessments with ability to use data to inform decision making and target instruction in order to strengthen student achievement¨ Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply RESPONSIBILITIES: Participation in planning and decision making that advances the interests of educational programs;Implementation of professional development programs for building staff within all bargaining units;Development of effective building safety, emergency and disaster procedures, including safety inspection and drill practice activities; Successful development and implementation of the master schedule; Commitment to active family and community involvement and the promotion of respect for the school community;Commitment to the academic, social and emotional success of all students; Willingness to workcollaboratively as a member of a district’s administrative team and professional learning community;Responsible for the successful implementation of all testing: NYSESLAT, NYS and local exams, etc. Immediate Supervisor: Mr. Stanley Pelech, Acting PrincipalDuration: May 1, 2024 to June 26, 2024Salary: Per WAA Contract
School Leader
Wyandanch UFSD
Long Island