POSTINGPOSITION AVAILABLE2024-2025DIRECTOR OFPUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES (PPS) Duties include but are not limited to: Under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the Director of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) is to ensure compliance with State and Federal Regulations. Oversee PPS Grades Pre-K through 12 including Social-Emotional Staff. Oversee and supervise Pupil Personnel in developing, coordinating, planning and monitoring of SEL, Guidance, Attendance, Registration, School Social Work and School Psychology programs. Participates in resolution, impartial hearings and the mediation process, as required. Is available for staff , presentations to parent Associations and other community groups, as needed. Assumes responsibility for own professional growth and development to include for keeping current with literature and new research findings. Assist in the observation of PPS staff. Work with parents and community groups in interpreting the particular programs. Lead the development of the Course Offering and Scholarship Booklets. Designated District Superintendent Hearing Officer. Monitor, supervise and evaluate Drug & Alcohol Community Coordinator. Monitor, supervise and evaluate the effectiveness of the School Wellness Centers and related partnerships. Assist in the set-up of Special Education Extended School Year. Coordinate special transportation. Coordinate Go-Guardian responses. Manage Health and Welfare contracts. Other duties as assigned.Qualifications: ¨ New York State School District Leader (SDL) Certification¨ New York State PPS Related Certification¨ Be a highly collaborative, results-oriented, adaptable, problem-solving self-starter, meet the social-emotional needs of families, scholars, and staff;¨ Proven track record of improving school culture and implementing social-emotional systemsImmediate Supervisor: Superintendent of SchoolsDuration: 2024-2025 School YearSalary: Per WAA Contract
Wyandanch UFSD
Long Island