The Mamaroneck Union Free School District seeks collaborative, equity-minded employees who commit to develop knowledge, skills, and practices to create culturally responsive learning and working environments. Fostering and maintaining these beliefs supports high expectations and an ethic of care for all students and employees – where differences are seen as strengths to be nourished, celebrated, and welcomed. LOCATION: Mamaroneck Ave SchoolPOSITION AVAILABLE: February 3, 2025 – June 27, 2025RESPONSIBILITIES:Knowledge of Students and Student LearningHas extensive knowledge of research in language and literacy acquisition, including the particular needs of English Language Learners and students with learning differences.Communicates frequently and effectively with parents, guardians, and caregivers to enhance students’ learning. Knowledge of Content and Instructional PlanningKnowledgeable in the NYS NextGen Standards.Understands the components of balanced literacy.Understands the tiered Response to Intervention (RTI) model and associated NYS regulations. Has extensive knowledge of the reading process, including the pillars of reading development and cueing systems.Has successfully implemented a range of bilingual reading intervention models and approaches.Individualizes instruction based on student needs. Matches texts accordingly.Schedules flexibly, based on student needs. Instructional PracticeHas an extensive repertoire of research-based instructional strategies that foster active literacy.Articulates a clear learning objective for each lesson.Monitors students’ progress and adjusts instruction accordingly.Uses research-based diagnostic and formative assessments to inform instruction. Learning EnvironmentCreates a multi-genre, multi-copy library to support targeted instruction. Knows classic and current children’s literature and the features of specific texts.Sets high-expectations and promotes risk-taking.Establishes routines and procedures to maximize efficiency and productivity. Assessment for Student LearningUses research-based diagnostic and formative assessments to inform instruction.Conducts running records; analyzes miscues, fluency, and comprehension; uses results to inform instruction.Uses summative assessments to measure and communicate student progress.Maintains electronic records of intervention services and student progress data.Knows format and specifications of NYS ELA tests. Uses data warehouses to interpret student data for program review and instructional planning. Professional Responsibilities and CollaborationMaintains ongoing communication with classroom teachers about instructional plans and student progress.Participates actively in professional meetings (e.g., IST, department, faculty and team meetings).Is a literacy leader: facilitates parent/community workshops; is a resource for classroom teachers; demonstrates effective instructional practices; advocates for students.Collaborates with administrators to develop building-based and district-wide RTI plans.Fulfills NYS requirements for progress monitoring and parent communication. Professional GrowthMaintains active membership in professional organizations (e.g., IRA, NCTE); pursues learning through conferences, webinars, professional reading, inter-visitations, lesson study, action research.Studies student data to reflect on own practice. POSITION QUALIFICATIONS: Certification Requirements (one or more of the following): Literacy Specialist / Reading Specialist, N-6 Teaching License, Special Education Bilingual required COMPENSATION: Long Term Substitute pay $250/day. Leave Replacement pay determined by the Office of Human Resources.
Mamaroneck U.F.S.D.
Lower Hudson Valley
Daily wage - Per Diem